Wednesday, June 12, 2013

And many ‘you’…..

(Dedicated to Damini)
A year older you are to me…
But both mystically hope for the same beautiful life it ought to be…
We have the same 2 eyes, 2 ears and one fun mouth…
I was spared that unfortunate day, you were lost in the crowd!
I don’t know your favorite meal or the preferred color of your cloth….
But hopefully like every girl, food and sleep attract us both….
We both react same on elation and desolation…..
I still read the Constitution and you raised queer questions on its foundation!
This religious land has seen women abuse in many tragic phases…..
Pathetic are the women who rest their cases…
They are shy at the prime…
Wolves get novel chances to reiterate their vile crime!
Indian women have always been an epitome of sacrifice…
But today we are coward and helpless which will always traumatize…
And many ‘you’ will lose the chance to live, love and laugh…
Until we are a little brave to slap the crime rough!
Justice delayed is never justice denied…

Till then, no RIP for you sis and India will keep you alive!


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