Wednesday, June 12, 2013

On the city streets…..

The four sizzling seasons banish some hidden pain,
Yet some unsaid words continue to hit the heart hard and dominate,
With a developed life and a sleazy heart,
We stand high on the city streets with all dirt.
Mansions and hovels dazzling the order of the day,
Clarity and courtesy have become illusive across life’s bay,
Many have lost faith in family ties,
False prestige and pay have hardly made men wise.
Over-indulgence making men poor,
Confused beings are standing aloof and feeble for sure,
Sometimes think of others, who cared,
 You’ll be lost literally without your prosperity shared.
Came across many on the city streets,
Few touched my heart with true peace,
Sinister motives and ego have ruled high time,

They are just harsh on life and are not famed to be crimes!


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